
Lily Li Peng, R. TCMP, R. Ac

Short Bio: Foreign education and registration: Chinese medical doctor and Doctor of Chinese medicine (C.M.D. and D.Ac) (in CHINA), medical doctor (MD) (in CHINA), Bachelor of Traditional Chinese medicine (BTCM) (in China), Masters of Traditional Chinese medicine (MTCM) (in China)

Lily Peng received her training in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Chengdu University of TCM in China. She has both a Bachelors of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for two decades.

Peng is a warm, caring and experienced doctor. Her herbal formulas are traditional, potent and effective. Her acupuncture is precise and gentle.

Peng was raised in a professional TCM family; both of her parents practiced TCM in China. Peng has continued the tradition by teaching TCM in Toronto.