Safe, Effective Pain Treatment

Our practitioners effectively treat all types of pain. Acute, chronic, specific, systemic; we can help.

Pain is complex. Pain exists in many different forms and can affect any part of the body. Pain is a non-specific response to a variety of stimuli. It is a feeling triggered in the nervous system that may signal the presence of an injury or illness. Sometimes pain is preceded by an identifiable event or illness, however, sometimes the underlying cause is unknown.

Pain can be dull, sharp, throbbing, steady, intermittent, localized, general or any combination of these sensations. Pain can be caused by an ongoing condition which may affect the central nervous system and brain activity. Sometimes, pain is experienced in a body part located distant from the source of the pain. Pain usually goes away once the underlying condition resolves, but it can sometimes last for longer periods of time.

The treatment of pain is as complicated as pain itself. Many people use over the counter medication such as Aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve their pain (recent studies show these OTC medications may have unintended long-term side-effects). These single medications are not always effective, especially for longer lasting, more intense pain.

Stronger prescription medications which act on the pain site itself, or on the nervous system's ability to sense pain, can be effective, but can have deleterious effects such as liver and kidney toxicity, negative psychological effects, and physiological and psychological addictive qualities, to mention a few.

In our clinic, we believe the underlying issues causing the pain need to be addressed in order to effectively alleviate the pain. For example, pain associated with a dental malocclusion often does not resolve once the dentist corrects the patient's bite. In this case, the underlying cause of pain has often shifted from the occlusion itself, to a chronic disorder involving facial and jaw muscles. To effectively treat the pain, the practitioner must identify the historic and current causes of pain, and develop a personalized treatment plan to address all relevant causes.

We use Acupuncture and other related natural modalities for the treatment of pain. Acupuncture is a well-documented therapy in the use of pain management and reduction. Acupuncture has point specific effects such as nerve blocking and direct effects on muscles, tendons and ligaments. Acupuncture also has systemic effects such as increasing the release of pain relieving neurotransmitters and increasing the production of natural anti-inflammatory factors.

Acupuncture is effective. Its effects are cumulative over time. Each treatment builds on past treatments. However, unlike conventional pharmaceuticals, acupuncture's effect are natural, working with your body to provide pain relief.

Examples of common disorders we treat


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