
Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and Migraines can cause debilitating pain. They can be caused by countless factors including mechanic problems in the jaw, neck and back, infection, inflammation, hormones, weather systems, stress, and so on. Determining the cause of your headache or migraine is an important step allowing our Doctors to properly treat the underlying causes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine does not recognize migraines and recurring headaches as a single syndrome. According to Chinese medicine, symptoms are indicators of injury or imbalance that are unique to each individual. Using a variety of techniques such as acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and shiatsu massage we can assist to restore imbalances found in the body.

Your diagnosis and treatment will depend on a number of variables discussed during a consultation: for example, is your headache typically behind your eyes and temples, or is it located more on the top of your head? When do your headaches occur, i.e. night, morning, after eating, particular time of the month? Do you find that a cold compress or a dark room can alleviate some of the pain? Do you describe the pain as dull and throbbing, or sharp and piercing? 

Acupuncture is a powerful pain reliever, without the side effects often associated with prescription and over-the-counter medications. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine have been used to relieve Headaches and Migraines for thousands of years. Clinical usage and studies show that Acupuncture is highly effective in treating Headaches and Migraines. Acupuncture is now a widely accepted form of treatment for Headaches and Migraines in North America. Our Acupuncturists focus on the treatment of pain, including Headaches and Migraines. We can help you manage your pain with Acupuncture and Chinese herbs alone, or as part of a comprehensive treatment program.